(Map not to scale)

Kingston Park is located in Taman Bandar Baru Selatan. Not many people know this, but it is actually situated midway between Kampar New Town and Kampar Old Town, if one knows of the shortcut from Bandar Baru to the old town centre.

With this convenient location, almost everything (including the shops, banks, hospital, railway station, bus station, pasar malam, TESCO, TAR College and UTAR campus) is within a mere 5 minute car drive or motorcycle ride away.

There have been proposals to build a new hospital and a new JUSCO in Kampar; these new developments will also be within easy reach from Kingston Park once they are completed.

Its location on higher ground means that it is relatively more protected from the danger of flash flooding after heavy rainfall. 

Most of the houses in Kingston Park are fully occupied, not just by student tenants, but also by homeowners. Kingston Park residents take great pride in where they live. There are very few reports of crime in this area. There are also hardly any stray dogs in the vicinity.

This combination of factors makes for a relatively safe and quiet area to live and study in - ideal therefore for students. However, as always, please take care especially at night.

More and more shops and businesses are starting to sprout in the area, and it is likely to become more vibrant with time.

Why not visit us and see for yourself? 

Kingston Park 位于 Taman Bandar Baru Selatan。虽然不多人知道这一点,但如果你知道    Bandar Baru 至旧镇区的捷径的话,所以它实际上是介于金宝新镇和旧镇区的正中央。


根据最新消息,金宝镇在近期内会继续扩展添加新医院和   JUSCO 最新分行,相信竣工后会为  Kingston Park 更添色彩。

而且,Kingston Park 的地势偏高,排水系统良好,不会受到洪水的影响。

本区的入住率非常高,不仅是学生租客,也包括许多房主。再加上治安良好,Kingston Park 的居民为本区的生活素质引以为豪


越来越多的商店和企业在本区域也开始萌芽,Kingston Park 今后将会更加朝气蓬勃!